Duneland Ski Club

By Laws


The following bylaws of the Duneland Ski Club, Incorporated were adopted by the majority vote of the members of said corporation pursuant to the Articles of Incorporation of said corporation on the 25th day of April 1988. All members agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Duneland Ski Club, Inc as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, By Laws and Liability Waiver. 


By Laws

Meetings of the Corporation

All meetings of the Duneland Ski Club, Incorporated shall be held at such places as may be specified by the officers of this corporation. In cases of special meetings, all members listed on the current membership records shall be notified of the place, day, hour, and purpose for which the meeting is called.

Every member of the corporation shall have the right at all meetings of the corporation to one vote only.

A member may vote by absentee ballot by applying for said ballot to the president or his duly appointed committee any time after the closing of nominations of all candidates, but no later than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the voting on said candidates, and returning the completed ballot to the president or his appointed committee in a sealed envelope prior to the time of voting.

The president and, in his/her absence, the vice-president and, in their absence, any board member chosen by the board members present, shall call meetings to order and shall act as chairman of such meetings. The secretary of the corporation shall act as secretary of all meetings of the corporation. In the absence of the secretary, the presiding officer may appoint a member to act as secretary of the meeting.


The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers and three (3) members who shall be elected every year by a majority of the quorum (quorum to consist of at least one-fourth of the paid members). Such directors shall hold office until their successors are elected or appointed by the president and approved by the Board of Directors. A majority of the directors must be citizens of the United States. The immediate past president shall also be a member of the Board of Directors at his/her discretion. If the immediate past president is unable to serve, then the person who was fourth in the numerical ballot count for a position on the Board shall automatically take a position on the Board in order to make up a number of four (4) Board positions. 


Officers of the Corporation

The officers of the corporation shall consist of a president, a vice president, a secretary, and a treasurer.

No more than one office may be held by the same person at the same time.

The officers of the corporation shall be elected annually by a majority of the quorum (quorum to consist of at least one-fourth of the paid members).

Whenever any vacancies shall occur in any office by death, resignation, or otherwise, the same shall be filled by appointment of the president and approval of the Board of Directors, and each officer so appointed shall hold office until his successor is elected and qualified at the next regular election.

The president shall preside at all meetings of the directors of the corporation, discharge all duties of a presiding officer, and perform such other duties as this code of bylaws may require or the Board of Directors may prescribe.

The secretary shall have custody and care of the corporate records and minutes. He or she shall keep or cause to be kept a true and complete record of all meetings of the corporation. He or she shall file and take charge of all papers and documents belonging to the corporation and shall perform such other duties as this code of bylaws may require or the Board of Directors may prescribe.

The treasurer shall keep correct and complete records of accounts showing accurately at all times the financial condition of the corporation. He or she shall be the legal custodian of all money, notes, securities, and other valuables which may from time to time come into the possession of the corporation. He or she shall immediately deposit all funds of the corporation coming into his/her hands in a reliable bank in the state of Indiana to be designated by the Board of Directors, or whenever requested, provide a statement of the financial condition of the corporation, and perform such other duties as this code of bylaws may require or the Board of Directors may prescribe. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the treasurer shall not be responsible for losses not caused by negligence or willful misconduct of the treasurer. 


Management and Control of the Corporation

The corporate power of this corporation shall be vested in the officers, who shall have the management and control of the corporation. The officers of this corporation shall not acquire, own, hold, use, lease, mortgage, pledge, sell, convey, or likewise dispose of the property of this corporation, real or personal, tangible or intangible, without authority first from the Board of Directors of the corporation



Initial dues for a single membership shall be $30.00. Renewal for a single membership is $25.00. Dues for a new family membership shall be $30.00 for the first person and $10.00 for each additional member. Renewal dues for a family membership shall be $25.00 for the first person and $10.00 for each additional member. A family consists of two (2) or more persons sharing the same legal abode. Said legal abode shall receive only one newsletter per issue.


The membership year of the Duneland Ski Club, Incorporated shall be May 1 of the subject year until April 30th  of the succeeding year. Any renewing member of the Duneland Ski Club, Incorporated not submitting his or her dues on or before October 31st shall be required to resubmit his or her application as a new member.  Any member (new or renewal) must have paid his or her dues before being eligible to sign up or participate in the Duneland Ski Club, Incorporated trips or functions.

Distribution of Assets on Dissolution or Final Liquidation

On distribution or final liquidation, the corporation shall distribute assets equally to all members who are current in their membership as of the date of dissolution or liquidation, in pro-rata shares, equally to each member.

Amending the Bylaws

These bylaws may be amended or repealed after presenting a written proposal to the Constitution/Bylaws Committee. After reviewing, the said committee then is to announce the proposal to the general membership and make its recommendations, if any. All members shall be mailed and or notified thirty (30) days prior to voting on the proposal. A two-thirds majority of the quorum (a quorum to consist of at least one-quarter of the paid members) is required to pass the amendment.
