Duneland Ski Club

By Laws


The following bylaws of the Duneland Ski Club, Incorporated were adopted by the majority vote of the members of said corporation pursuant to the Articles of Incorporation of said corporation on the 25th day of April 1988. All members agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Duneland Ski Club, Inc as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, By Laws and Liability Waiver. 


Waiver of Liability

In consideration of membership or membership renewal in the DUNELAND SKI CLUB, INC., (herein noted as the DSC) and the opportunity to participate and/or of my participation in any trips, events, meetings, activities or lessons of any kind through, on behalf of or affiliated with the DSC, I, for myself and family and for my heirs, assigns, executors and administrators, hereby agree that the DSC and its Board, officers, directors, trip and event leaders, instructors, members, representatives and any other persons acting on its behalf shall not be held liable for any injuries, damages, expenses or inconveniences to my person or property, howsoever caused by the negligence of the above parties. I also agree to indemnify and hold the above parties harmless from and against any and all actions, claims, demands, liability, loss, damage and expense of any kind, including attorney’s fees, arising from such claims.

I am aware of and familiar with the inherent risks involved in the sport of skiing, cycling, other sports and hobbies, lessons of any sport, trips, events, social activities and other activities of any kind, meetings and events, and I understand that I am assuming those risks. I further understand that the DSC recommends wearing a helmet and protective clothing, and being in good health and of sound mind, for participation in skiing, snow boarding, cycling, other sports and physical activities.


I understand that the DSC reserves the right at any time to withdraw or modify an activity or trip, or to refuse to accept or retain any person as a member of the DSC or participant in an activity or trip or itinerary, whenever, in its sole judgment, conditions warrant or if it deems it necessary for the comfort, convenience or safety of the DSC, its members, group, trip, passengers and other relevant parties.


I recognize that the DSC is a not-for-profit organization, and as such, payments or gifts to the DSC are not deductible as charitable contributions.


If accepted to the membership of the DSC, I will abide by its Constitution, By-Laws this Waiver of Liability and all associated policies, support its activities and pay the established dues. I also assume full and complete responsibility for all those parties noted in this membership application and covered under, or associated with, my membership in the DSC and I understand that this Waiver of Liability applies not only to myself but to all these such parties.


I have read, understood and agree to all of the above.